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Email Password login

Sign up form#

Call the following function when the user clicks on the sign up button.

import { emailPasswordSignUp } from "supertokens-web-js/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword";
async function signUpClicked(email: string, password: string) {    try {        let response = await emailPasswordSignUp({            formFields: [{                id: "email",                value: email            }, {                id: "password",                value: password            }]        })
        if (response.status === "FIELD_ERROR") {            // one of the input formFields failed validaiton            response.formFields.forEach(formField => {                if ( === "email") {                    // Email validation failed (for example incorrect email syntax),                    // or the email is not unique.                    window.alert(formField.error)                } else if ( === "password") {                    // Password validation failed.                    // Maybe it didn't match the password strength                    window.alert(formField.error)                }            })        } else {            // sign up successful. The session tokens are automatically handled by            // the frontend SDK.            window.location.href = "/homepage"        }    } catch (err: any) {        if (err.isSuperTokensGeneralError === true) {            // this may be a custom error message sent from the API by you.            window.alert(err.message);        } else {            window.alert("Oops! Something went wrong.");        }    }}

The formFields input is a key-value array. You must provide it an email and a password value at a minimum. If you want to provide additional items, for example the user's name or age, you can append it to the array like so:

{    "formFields": [{        "id": "email",        "value": ""    }, {        "id": "password",        "value": "somePassword123"    }, {        "id": "name",        "value": "John Doe"    }]}

On the backend, the formFields array will be available to you for consumption.


On success, the backend will send back session tokens as part of the response headers which will be automatically handled by our frontend SDK for you.

Checking if email is unique#

As a part of the sign up form, you may want to explicitly check that the entered email is unique. Whilst this is already done via the sign up API call, it may be a better UX to warn the user about a non unique email right after they finish typing it.

import { doesEmailExist } from "supertokens-web-js/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword";
async function checkEmail(email: string) {    try {        let response = await doesEmailExist({            email        });
        if (response.doesExist) {            window.alert("Email already exists. Please sign in instead")        }    } catch (err: any) {        if (err.isSuperTokensGeneralError === true) {            // this may be a custom error message sent from the API by you.            window.alert(err.message);        } else {            window.alert("Oops! Something went wrong.");        }    }}

Sign in form#

Call the follwing function when the user clicks on the sign in button.

import { emailPasswordSignIn } from "supertokens-web-js/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword";
async function signInClicked(email: string, password: string) {    try {        let response = await emailPasswordSignIn({            formFields: [{                id: "email",                value: email            }, {                id: "password",                value: password            }]        })
        if (response.status === "FIELD_ERROR") {            response.formFields.forEach(formField => {                if ( === "email") {                    // Email validation failed (for example incorrect email syntax).                    window.alert(formField.error)                }            })        } else if (response.status === "WRONG_CREDENTIALS_ERROR") {            window.alert("Email password combination is incorrect.")        } else {            // sign in successful. The session tokens are automatically handled by            // the frontend SDK.            window.location.href = "/homepage"        }    } catch (err: any) {        if (err.isSuperTokensGeneralError === true) {            // this may be a custom error message sent from the API by you.            window.alert(err.message);        } else {            window.alert("Oops! Something went wrong.");        }    }}

On success, the backend will send back session tokens as part of the response headers which will be automatically handled by our frontend SDK for you.

See also#

Which frontend SDK do you use?
supertokens-web-js / mobile